Med+Pass was in Charlotte, North Carolina the past several days at the Southern College Health Association annual conference. It was a wonderful event. A big thank you goes out to the University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC) for putting on a very successful event. The event started with some fun pre-conference events. Several Med+Pass team members participated in the Over-The-Wall seminar. This event had our team changing tires on a race car like the pit crews in NASCAR. It was a really fun event and taught us all a lot about team work and strategic planning. The event was led by Andy Papthanassiou, who is a member of the Hindrick Motorsports team. The pre-conference events were followed by the opening luncheon, which was sponsored by Med+Pass. There was a great turnout with over 200 attendees representing college student health centers across the country (mostly in the southeast). Sarah Van Orman, the current President of the American College Health Association gave the opening remarks. She gave an overview of current happenings at the ACHA and a glimpse into some future initiatives. Sarah was following by the keynote speak, Andy Papthanassiou, who gave some great advice on how to create successful teams based on his experience working with pit crews at Hindrick Motorsports. At the end of the first day, we all celebrated with a dinner at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. It included an open bar and a seated dinner overlooking the race track. We were also able to drive around the race track before the dinner to get an idea of what it’s like to be a NASCAR driver. The first day of the conference was a great success.
The following day did not disappoint either! It included some great seminars that were very informative and educational for all. The day created a great platform for everyone to collaborate and talk about ways to improve processes. Med+Pass was able to speak to a lot of schools about ways to improve the immunization process for incoming students. We found that most schools are struggling to find a solution that actually solves the problem, from start to finish. Almost every school is still having to manually collect and verify all of these forms before the start of each semester and they want a solution! They all seemed impressed with what we can offer.
We really enjoyed visiting with representatives from student health centers. We learned more about the painful process of collecting, verifying, and storing immunization records for incoming students. We had a large group of schools see live demos of our product throughout the event. We also had a handful of schools sign up to schedule a demo in the coming weeks. We are really excited about the opportunity to help out these schools! What a great event with great people. We look forward to the annual conference next year in Wilmington, North Carolina!
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